Workshop on Money Laundering Typologies

Administration for the prevention of Money Laundering organized the workshop on ML typologies for representatives of prosecutor's offices, courts, police and tax administration.

The international community counters the fight against terrorism and the prevention of its financing as a significant challenge. In evaluating the effectiveness of a country's system, the International Financial Action Task Force (FATF) sets out in its recommendations clear criteria that one country must meet in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of its anti-money laundering and terrorist financing system.

Considering that judicial officials and police officers were judged not to be sufficiently familiar with the typology of money laundering risk assessment, the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering organized, in cooperation with the Judicial Academy, on January 29, 2019, Zlatibor, training for judges, prosecutors of basic and senior prosecutor's offices, representatives of the tax administration, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs from Pozega, Uzice, Jagodina, Kragujevac and Prijepolje.

The trainees had the opportunity to get acquainted with the Typologies for High-Level Money Laundering Threats, discussed by Dejan Simic (Tax Administration) and Miljko Radisavljevic (Republican Public Prosecutor's Office), and sector typologies (financial and non-financial sector, accountants, lawyers) discussed by Jelena Pantelic and Danijela Tanic-Zafirovic (Administration for the prevention of Money Laundering), Aleksandra Medan (National Bank of Serbia) and Goran Kupresanin (Securities Commission), who helped the training participants identify activities that indicate money laundering and suspicious reports.

The workshop was organized within the framework of Project “Enhancing the quality and efficiency of Suspicious Transactions Reporting (STR) and Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering (APML) core functions”, funded by the European Union. The beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Finance - Administration for the prevention of Money Laundering, and the project is implemented by a consortium led by KPMG.

Last updated: October 18, 2024, 14:07